Nearly two years ago myself (Rhys Jones), Matthew Ford and Terrance Edwards sat down to begin writing this Web Series. I brought my two friends together with the idea to write and make a Web Series based on the lives of four friends with one common interest - Dr Who.
Too write stories of Whovians, but more importantly to show everyday drama within fun weird tales - the kind of things that only happen to us fans of that Show.
Two years later after many, many... many re-writes and debates and large ammount of coffee.
We are here - at the start of the filming process.
The three of us brought into the production Andrew White who will be our Sound Supervisor and Rebecca Sawyer as Production Manager. Here we are at one of our initail meetings before going public here online!
Myself (Rhys) far left, then Matt, Becca, Andy and Tez.
Let the casting begin.........