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Series 2: Days 18-20

Rhys Jones Terrance Edwards

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

Production Diary Days 18-20

Various dates and locations

Day 18: Saturday 27th August 2016

Teddy's house, Cardiff

So we all arrived at Teddy Smith, our Assistant Director's home, because he has given us his bedroom to use as a set! We have various scenes from Episode 4 and 5 to film with the character Ellie – a new character that will be introduced in Episode 1 of this series and who is played by Lillibeth Langford.

The day was a blast and a very easy shoot for two reasons. One: Lillibeth is a fantastic actress and nailed it; and two: filming one actor is always easy! The shoot was all one side of a online video chat, so the set up was a GoPro attached to a laptop and Lillibeth speaks down into the lens. We are filming the other side of the chat later in Spetember.

After various takes, and some fun letting our actress be as scary as she could near the end, we got what we needed. We also wrapped Lillibeth on Series 2 – thank you for all your hard work


Day 19 - Sunday September 4th 2016

Llandudno seafront

So, after a fantastic day of promo at the SciFi Wales Event up in “Sunny” Llandudno, what do we decide to do? We take advantage of a break in the rain and reshoot a scene from Episode 1. We re-filmed Steph's lines from her phone call with Bradley. It was a quick shoot, two takes and in the can, only stopping due to a few minor sound issuses, namely wind and traffic – but nothing compared to what we are used to! But with the view of the beach behind Victoria, we have added production value from a great weekend at a great event.


Day 20 - Thursday September 8th 2016

Rhys' house, Cardiff

Ben Wilson and Teddy Smith arrived at my house and we instantly got Ben into bed ready for us to film his final performance from Episode 3 – which is an Andrew central story.

It was a simple set up, another one side of a phone call, here between Andrew and his wife Anna – we filmed a few takes and two angles and the scene was put to bed! With that, Ben was wrapped on Ep3 and thank you for all your hard work on what is very much a big mix of emotions within that episode.

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