So on June 1st 2018 we announced Strange Tales, for more info on this go here.

Over the next few weeks we will be introducing the film makers, writers and a few actors already cast for the projects. We will be launching a crowd funding campaign to help us make these films & bring you all a great entertaining YouTube channel. Those who do help fund the series will get a load of great benefits, one being a exclusive access to our New Members Only section of the site, which will hold Behind the Scene content that no one else online will get to see - plus the films themselves to watch a week before anyone else in the world.

More details on Fund Raising Perks as we get closer to the campaign. For now we will anonuce perodically betwen the now and the start of the campaign those involved. Today we have details on 4 indivduals!!!
Well 3 is a bit of a cheat, because it is the three Watchers - Matthew Ford, Terrance Edwards and Rhys Jones. Full details about us can be read up on here.
But more importantly we would like to announce one of our film makers who will be Directing a short for us.

Craig Fisher is a Welsh Writer and Director who specialises in Horror and LGBTQ genres. With 5 short films in his current portfolio, he is beginning to make a name for himself on the independent film circuit. His 3rd film, Angelystor was nominated for a Golden Stake Award at the International Vampire Film and Arts festival in Transylvania, as well as hitting 8 other festivals Globally. His 4th film, Closure, premiered on BBC2 in 2017, is currently showcasing in various Film Festivals and has recently won an Award for Best SciFi film at Outlantacon. An edited version of his latest Horror short, Night Mære won an Award for Best Film at the 90 Second Horror Challenge in London, judged by the CEO of Hammer Horror, and the full version is currently on Crypt TV and heading to Film Festivals.
Check out more about Craig at