Hello all!
Hope your all well and at this time and coping with the endless rule changes around us all & news of a vacine in sight!!
it has been a long few months at Watchers - with national lockdown, local lockdowns, firebreak and some kind of freedom ahead. A few of us having to shield and stay safe! But in that time we were activly making new content for our Film Blog and busy working on scripts for future projects. Kept ticking over is the best thing to say!
Just before most of South Wales went into local lockdowns, we were prepping a new Strange Tales production with a co-production with Valiant Films is the long awaited LOCKED. The Director on this film sees the return of Teddy Smith to Strange Tales, who Directed Second Chances.
LOCKED; In the future, Justice is delegated to machines: infallible and objective, these AI dispense fair punishments. Kay is accused by her neighbour of dropping trash on their lawn. It's a civil infraction, and while it was only an oversight on Kay's part, she's charged with a small fine. Kay is about to leave when her hand is locked, and the machine accuses her of murder – of somebody Kay has never met. Her only chance at survival is to prove her innocence, but while the AI begins drawing a net of guilt around her, we're left asking ourselves if she’s as innocent as she looks.
The film has a cast attached and once the lockdown lifts shooting dates will be scheduled.
Cast & Crew are set, we await a safer time to reschedule filming dates over the next coming months and plan to get the newest Tale in front of cameras asap.
Additionally over the summer we have had a string of postive news so far from the Film Festival circuit - just before we went into lockdown we had the news that both Epimetheus and Brand New Beginnings had made selection in the BAFTA Cymru entry festival - Carmarthen Bay Film Festival.
Well the selections kept on coming thick and fast. Epimetheus has made it into the Cardiff based Twisted Tales and US based Dead In Decatur Horror Film Festival.
Matthew Ford, one of our Exec. Producers here at Watchers has had his screenplay Killing The Music make it as nominated finalist in both 13horror.com & Grim North Screenplay Festival and is available now from Amazon to take a read and enjoy!
And finally our last released Strange Tale: Deliver Us From Gee has been selected and has been nominated for Best No Budget Short Film at this years Wales Film Festival.
So to all those involved with these projects - a MASSIVE THANK YOU for all your hard work and free time. Fab to see the work starting to be recognised in these ways.
So now coming out of hibernation and we are ready to do what we can to continue making new independent entertainment. With that in mind we have gone into a new collaberation with Valiant Films and Dramatic Moose productions - we are currently in production on a new audio drama of the classic - A Christmas Carol. To be released this coming Christmas. Stay safe and stay strong.
The Watchers
